Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 7 - Thursday

Today we took a walk up one of tha main shopping streets in Shangai - Nanjing Xi Lu. The Pedestrianised end of Nanjing Road.

The road was made up of Designer stores, Coffee shops and fast food booths as well as the usual street seller offering watches, shoe bags or anything we want... at one point Garry was offered hash-hish and spa-lady massage!!

At the middle of the road where Nanjing Dong Lu meets with Nanjing Xi Lu is where Peoples Park can be found - it's haven of peace and tranquility in the middle of the busy shops and roads

It's that peaceful within the park that this tired chap decided to take a kip on the pavement!
I've been told this sight isn't all that uncommon on the if i see more I shall be sure to capture them on camera..

We finished our walk up Nanjing Lu with a trek up and down the Bund and the Bund Promenade - the views from here of the Pudong and the towers was superb - especially with it being such a clear sunny day - I think the temperature was in the early 20's

After the trek on the Bund we took a taxi over to Pudong to the opposite view of the Bund form over the river - just as the sun was setting... Feet were hurting and it was time for food drink or both....
The one thing about this holiday is that i don't think I have ever walked so much...yet i'm craving sweet sugary snacks so much that I don't think I'll lose any weight!

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